Sunday, August 25, 2013


This is all I have for you photo-wise. This single, delicious but lonely photo of Flavio's gelato was the only thing I managed to capture this weekend. I should be fired from this blog. Despite my lack of evidence, it's been a good couple of days. Friday night we went for pizza and beer at Luigi's - San Diegans: their pizza is awesome! Saturday I met a friend for breakfast at Parkhouse, did chores and ran some errands, and then met another friend at the dog park for some afternoon puppy play, before heading to Small Bar for mules and girl talk. Flavio had to work Saturday, but it was nice to have some time to catch up with lovely ladies and get chores done. This morning we had a much-needed sleep-in, made breakfast in our jammies, lounged in a Breaking Bad coma for a couple hours, then emerged to take our lady to the park before stopping for some afternoon gelato. We're currently watching Step Brothers (ha!) and shortly we're going to make this for dinner. The plan is to enjoy it on our porch with prosecco and the sunset. It's not over yet but this weekend felt short, and sweet.

It seems there's been a subtle shift in seasons over the past few days. There's football on TV, the days are getting slightly shorter, the evenings are cooling down, and I am back to school. Fall always gets into my headspace. I am perennially on a school-year cycle and the start of a new academic year feels like a beginning, a season of change. So while I'm dreaming of butternut squash soup, chilly nights with warm blankets and other autumnal delights, I'm still trying to savor the last bits of summer with drinks al fresco, evening walks in the sunshine and quality time with friends. Fall, my favorite, will be here soon enough.

PS. This is not at all related, but if you are in a long-term relationship, or think you might be in a long-term relationship, you might enjoy this beautifully written cautionary tale. This woman's blog post is heartbreaking and raw and wise: The True Story of a Seven Year Marriage.

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