Tuesday, March 5, 2013

NPR Crush: Eleanor Beardsley

My long-time NPR crush is Marketplace's swagtastic Kai Ryssdal, but I get a little flash of excitement whenever I hear Eleanor Beardsley chime in from Paris.

I travel between campuses and spend hours a week in my car happily listening to my friendly NPR companions. Beardsley seems less heard-from than other correspondents (not a lot of breaking news out of romantic Paris?), so my ears perk up when her charming southern accent hits the airwaves with, "From Paris, This is Eleanor Beardsley." A native of South Carolina, Beardsley's just-the-facts drawl always sounds so out of place in sexy, sophisticated Paris. She is down-home country fried steak in the land of seductive Coq au vin. And I like it. It's an extra treat to hear her speak French.

Here's an audio sample.

Sadly, if you google Eleanor Beardsley, many people don't love her. To them I say, absurdités!

A Haiku For My NPR Crush, Eleanor:

Eleanor Beardsley
I love you and your sweet twang
Keep doin' yo thang!

{n.b. To my few readers: Please don't leave me. I promise not to nerd out like this again. For a while.}

1 comment:

  1. I also have a major voice crush for E.B. The way she ends her reports with the almost dismissive way she says Paris. Her South Carolina roots are an interesting plus.


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