This pregnancy is speeding by. I can't believe I'll be at the halfway mark (20 weeks!) this Friday. I'm really excited to be growing our little family... literally. :)
19 weeks
The baby is the size of:
A mango
I'm feeling:
Really great, still. Things have been crazy at work (I'm teaching an overload as I won't be working next semester) but I'm surprisingly relaxed and generally optimistic. I'm convinced this is a happy, peaceful baby.
Started going to prenatal yoga and I love it, both for the workout and the chance to chat with other mamas-to-be, compare symptoms, etc. I try to go a few times a week, and really look forward to it.
Also, my midwife is encouraging me to walk 2 miles a day, so I need to get on it.
Food love:
Bagels and cream cheese, and salty proteins. I've had the appetite of a trucker.
Food aversions:
Still not into sweets or eggs, but no major aversions. Pretty much eating everything in sight at this point.
The best thing about this week:
Feeling first flutters. When I drink something cold and lay still, I can feel the little bubbles that are the the baby's movements. It's exhilarating.
The worst thing about this week:
Hip pain while sleeping and overall, restless, interrupted sleep.
Also, bloody noses and bloody gums. Lovely.
Interesting turn of events:
Veins everywhere! My stomach looks like a roadmap. Fun fact: a pregnant woman's blood volume doubles during pregnancy (see bloody noses/gums above).
Also, my hair and nails have been growing crazy fast.
Favorite pregnancy items purchased:
My Snoogle Pregnancy Pillow is pure heaven. You wrap your arms and legs around it, and it's helped my nighttime hip pain tremendously. Flavio steals it when I get out of bed and Guiri loves to cuddle up next to it.
Leggings all weekend, and mostly maternity skirts for work.
Ina May's Guide to Childbirth. Hoping to birth this baby drug-free.
Really looking forward to:
Feeling more powerful kicks, so Flavio can feel them, too.
And, our 20-week ultrasound next week; seeing the bouncing baby playing on the screen is mind-blowing.
Daydreaming about:
Transitioning our guest room into a space for the baby.